Robots on Münsterplatz in Ulm: VDI/VDE project management organisation visits ZEN-MRI
At the consortium meeting in Ulm on 29 February 2024, all ZEN-MRI partners presented the current status of the work to the project manager VDI/VDE and provided valuable insights.
The ZEN-MRI project consortium is now a well-established team. This was also evident at the meeting on 29 February 2024, where the consortium partners also received a visit from the project management organisation VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik, to whom they presented the current status of their work. The Schwörsaal, with its extraordinary ambience in the heart of Ulm, provided the perfect setting. In addition to the insightful reports from all consortium partners, the presentation also included results from the first survey wave, which was conducted at the beginning and middle of 2023.
Derivation of interaction strategies
After exchanging ideas at the end of last year and talking animatedly about this year’s plans and milestones, discussions and workshops have now gone into more and more detail. The project team has now derived requirements for the interaction strategies of robots in public spaces. They are to be implemented on the robots by Adlatus Robotics GmbH in the further course of the project and then evaluated in the Ulm test field in order to enable even smoother interaction between humans and robots in future.
The ZEN-MRI team experienced a real highlight when all three Adlatus robots were out and about for the first time on Ulm’s Münsterplatz square. Even though they were only there for a short time, many interesting reactions were observed from innocent passers-by as the robots made their rounds.
Foto: Thomas Abé