Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz
The Junior Professorship of Applied Cognitive Psychology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) focuses on research into the fundamentals and human-centered design of human interaction with technical systems from a human factors perspective. JGU is the consortium leader of the ZEN-MRI project. This means that it is organizing the project.
In addition, its research contribution focuses on studies on the perception and evaluation of human-robot interaction in public spaces. We are interested, for example, in processes of trust, acceptance, fear and attitudes towards service robots in public spaces. In addition to field studies, we also use virtual reality to test possible interaction concepts of robots and their perception.
„ZEN-MRI brings robots and people together. With the Ulm city centre as a real-life lab, we can engage in pioneering work and contribute to a positive and harmonious coexistence between robots and humans going forward. It will be exciting and demanding – challenge accepted.”
„What excites me about ZEN-MRI is that, as a psychologist, I can work together with experts from a wide range of disciplines and together we can optimize the interaction between humans and robots. In this way, we can leverage the full potential of these robots to do justice to people and society.”
Hannah Großwieser
M.Sc., Doctoral candidate
„At ZEN-MRI, the focus is on people and their needs. For robots to generate added value for society in public spaces, we need to think about all people when researching and designing them.”
Jan Schmitz
B.Sc., Research associate
„ZEN-MRI aims to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the interaction between humans and robots. Our aim is to continuously develop the “understanding” between humans and robots and to question existing concepts.”
Ulm University
Department of Human Factors
The Department of Human Factors at the University of Ulm (UUHF) deals with the interaction of humans with technical systems and investigates questions of psycho¬logical foundations and human behavior in human-technology interaction.
The UUHF’s research contribution focuses on investigating which critical situations arise in
human-robot interaction in public spaces and how these can be resolved. For this purpose, methods of behavioral observation and the measurement of gaze behavior are used. In addition, UUHF’s focus in the project is on the organization, implementation and evaluation of the field studies in Ulm’s city centre.
Dr. Zhe
Research associate
“ZEN-MRI is all about putting people in the spotlight and exploring interactive concepts that will really help them to learn what functions robots can fulfil and what they will do next. To do so, the methods we use include measuring eye movements to explore which parts of the robots the people observe.”
Adlatus Robotics GmbH
ADLATUS Robotics GmbH develops, produces and sells autonomous service robots and delivers complete solutions to its clients, including consulting, commissioning, training and service.
The Ulm-based company manufactures the cleaning and delivery robots that will be investigated in the ZEN-MRI project, makes them available for the studies and uses the findings to further develop concepts for robot interaction.
ADLATUS robots are series products that are not just involved in the study but are already deployed in practical settings around the world.
Dr. Siegfried
“Interaction with humans is a vital component in the acceptance of autonomous cleaning robots such as those manufactured by ADLATUS Robotics. This is why ADLATUS has been involved in researching human-robot interaction for several years.”
Fraunhofer IAO
The User Experience Team at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) designs technology that can be used intuitively and is inspirational – for people and the lives they lead. Within the ZEN-MRI project, IAO contributes its long-standing expertise in application-oriented research into the human-centered design of human-robot interaction.
Innovative, viable deployment scenarios and additional robot functions are developed and tested together with citizens. Moreover, IAO designs intuitive interaction strategies for encounters between humans and robots in public spaces.
“Ultimately, success hinges on people and not on the technical features of a service robot. To ensure that robots are accepted and willingly used in the long term, their deployment must be pleasant and beneficial for all stakeholders. In a nutshell: encounters need to be positive.”
Stuttgart Media University
The Institute for Digital Ethics (IDE) at the Stuttgart Media University is entrusted with tasks relating to the holistic appreciation of social, ethical and legal issues according to the ethics-by-design approach.
It will also perform an accompanying empirical study of human-robot interaction to ensure
ethical integration of AI and robotics in public spaces. Narrative interviews will be conducted with users to collect data on their expectations, wishes and fears.
Prof. Dr. Petra
Professor of Media Research and Communication Studies
“By applying our ethics-by-design approach, we at the Institute for Digital Ethics (IDE) provide collaborative support to development and design processes for autonomous systems: Digital ethics and laws should not prevent innovative design of technology. Instead their opportunities need to be harnessed by considering risks and potential conflicts right from the start.”
Prof. Dr. Michael Veddern
Professor for Media and Publishing Law
“Data privacy needs to be considered from day one as an elementary right and a crucial part of the big picture. Doing so enables the ideal combination of digital innovation and the protection of personal data.”
Dr. Kai Erik
Research coordinator, academic assistant
“The deployment of robotic systems in social environments always brings with it a range of ethical and legal questions. Our research investigates the concerns, fears and hopes that people associate with robotics. We also want to conduct empirical research into what can be done to enable robots too ‘learn’ ethical principles of action.”
Research associate
“It is absolutely essential to consider the deployment of robots in everyday scenarios from an interdisciplinary perspective. Laws and data privacy must not become show stoppers. Instead they must help people to protect their personal rights.”
Research assistant
“Human-robot interaction will be one of the most important issues going forward. As a student, I therefore find it extraordinarily exciting to accompany a project of this magnitude and to obtain more profound insights into academic procedures.”
City of Ulm
In its projects, the City of Ulm focuses on forward-looking and sustainable urban development and seeks to make the topic of robotics tangible for citizens. The City supports the project in close cooperation with Ulmer Parkbetriebs-GmbH (PBG).
The City provides test spaces, organises the test field and coordinates implementation with the relevant agencies such as citizen services, traffic regulators or waste disposal companies. It also searches for test persons.
Lord Mayor of the City of Ulm
„As a city, we also see it as our duty to make public space available for research and development. In this way, we can gain knowledge together in close dialog and open exchange with citizens who have contact with robots under real conditions.”
Former Lord Mayor of the City of Ulm
“As an innovative city, we encourage contact with forward-looking technologies that are becoming integrated within our everyday lives – including robotics. We are delighted that encounters such as these can be experienced in Ulm and made tangible for citizens and that new technical opportunities can be put to beneficial use.”
Director of the Central Office
“The Zen-MRI project strengthens Ulm by researching and optimising the interaction between humans and robots in public spaces. As a city administration, we promote the development of robot-assisted innovations and thus concretely improve the understanding of fields of application by creating real, visible success stories for all of us. The city of Ulm is thus positioning itself as a strong location for advanced technologies.”
“The project brings together science, business, citizens and administration within a setting in which all stakeholders can learn from each other. Doing so lays the foundation for genuine innovation with value added for the city’s social fabric. This creates tangible progress and allows citizens to participate in all of its facets.”
Chief Operating Officer at Ulmer Parkbetriebs-GmbH
“A cleaning robot has already been deployed and is in operation in the underground car park at Ulm Town Hall. What matters now is to explore which additional services and new technical possibilities can be introduced when robots become part of the cityscape and workflows change, also in the car park at the railway station and underground arcade.”