
The Transfer Center RimA

The Transfer Center “Robots in Everyday Life” (RimA) networks actors from research and industry as well as institutions and people who use assistance and service robotics in everyday life.

The Transfer Center RimA contacted Zen-MRI and asked if there was the possibility and interest to write and publish an article from a subject area of the project. Since January 2025, ZEN-MRI has also been represented on the knowledge platform with two articles on “Human-Robot Interaction – Robots in Everyday Life” and “Communication Strategy of a Robot”.

To the articles:

“Human-Robot Interaction – Robots in Everyday Life”

Link: https://www.roboter-im-alltag.org/docs/forschung-mri/

“Communication Strategy of a Robot”

Link: https://www.roboter-im-alltag.org/docs/kommunikation-roboter/

Viel Spaß beim Lesen,

euer ZEN-MRI-Team